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trust-based, quick and efficient", "signin":"Sign in", "allIsrael":"All Israel", "giveNewTask":"Give new task", "addTaskDescr":"Add a task and within 10 minutes you'll find several competent specialists to solve it", "gender":"Gender", "wrongLogin":"Wrong user or password", "email":"E-mail", "phone":"Phone", "city":"City", "birthdate":"Birthdate", "aboutMyself":"About", "man":"Male", "woman":"Female", "newTasksForYou":"New tasks in the field you need", "mailUnsubscribeNote":"You can unsubscribe from notifications at your site profile<\/a>.", "socialNets":"Social networks", "personal":"Personal info", "male":"Male", "female":"Female", "showEmailToUsers":"Show my e-mail in profile", "showPhoneToUsers":"Show my phone in profile", "cancel":"Cancel", "reviews":"Reviews", "positive":"Positive", "tasks":"Tasks", "home":"Home", "reqPageNotFound":"Requested page not found", "probWrongAddr":"Probably you entered a wrong address or the page was moved.", "tryHome":"Try to start from the home page<\/a>.", "earning":"Earnings", "metaCatDescr":"Open platform to get and provide services – ChiqChaq ", "earnAtFreeTime":"Earn during your free time", "workAndEarningFromCC":"Work and earnings from ChiqChaq", "job":"Job", "freelance":"Freelance", "platform4EarnFrlncFromCC":"Platform for earning and freelance from ChiqChaq", "earnExtraIncomeAtFreeTime":"Earnings and extra income during your free time", "freelanceJobFromCC":"freelance (job) from ChiqChaq", "notifications":"Notifications", "notifyMethods":"Notification method", "profileViews":"Profile views", "status":"Status", "opened":"Open", "inProgress":"In progress", "complete":"Completed", "closed":"Closed", "ended":"Ended", "hiwStep1":"Place your task", "hiwStep2":"Select a Service Provider", "hiwStep3":"Your task is completed", "hiwStep4":"Rate your Service Provider", "hiwSignupText":"Do you have any useful skills to help other people?", "visOnly4you":"Visible only for you", "changeConfirm":"Confirm changes", "changeEmailConfirmBody":"Hello, ${name}!

You have requested your account e-mail change.
To confirm change, follow the link:
The link will be active for 3 days.

If you have not requested - ignore this message.", "privacy":"Privacy", "emailChanged":"your E-mail has been changed", "emailChangeConfirmSent":"E-mail change confirmation message has been sent to this address", "chooseImage":"Select image", "chosen":"Selected", "userPhoto":"User photo", "passportPhoto":"Passport photo", "myJobGal":"Portfolio", "delete":"Delete", "langs":"Languages", "paswMismatch":"This field should match previous", "forgotPassword":"Forgot password?", "forgotPasswordSent":"A letter with instructions sent to the specified address", "userNotFound":"User not found", "paswRestore":"Password restore", "paswRestoreBody1":"Hello, ${name}!

You have requested your account password restore.
To confirm restore, follow the link:
The link will be active for 3 days.

If you have not requested - ignore this message.", "paswRestoreBody2":"Hello, ${name}!

You have confirmed password restore.
Your new password: ${newPasw}
You can change it in
your profile<\/a>.", "verifiedBy":"Verified by", "docPhoto":"Documents image", "back":"Back", "chooseAllRegion":"Choose all region", "edit":"Edit", "taskEditing":"Task editing", "site":"Website", "yourProfileAddr":"Your social profile page address", "replyToMsg":"Reply to message", "and":"and", "vis4all":"Visible for all", "visOnly4YouAndGiver":"Visible only for you and Customer", "reply":"Reply", "users":"Users", "viewTasks":"View tasks", "youGotNewMsg":"You've got new messages", "newMsgOnYourTasks":"New messages on your tasks", "watchVideo":"Watch video", "newAnswersOnYourMsg":"New replies to your messages", "delTask":"Delete task", "editTask":"Edit task", "refuseTask":"Reject task", "chooseTask":"Select task", "imgs":"Images", "pcs":"pcs", "adrs":"Address", "day":"Day", "time":"Time", "taskFinished":"Task completed!", "task":"Task", "byAgreement":"By agreement", "profileLevel":"Profile level", "idCopy":"ID or Passport copy", "notValid":"Task is no longer valid", "foundAnotherAss":"I've found an assistant at another place", "ownReason":"Your own reason for cancellation", "reviews2":"Reviews", "thisNameIsProhibited":"This name is prohibited", "msgReplyNote":"Please do not reply to this message. To reply to the user use the green button \"Reply\".", "continue":"Continue", "welcome":"Welcome", "regWelc":"Welcome on board!", "emailConfirmed":"You have successfully confirmed your e-mail", "generalInfo":"General info", "youVeBeenApproved":"You've been approved", "youVeBeenCancelApproved":"Your approvement has been cancelled", "youVeBeenApproved4task":"You've been approved for task", "youVeBeenCancelApproved4task":"Your approvement for task has been cancelled by the Customer", "connectCustomer":"Please contact the Customer using a form<\/a> at the task page", "viewTask":"View task", "contact":"Contact", "bySocialNets":"By social network", "age":"Age", "admin":"Administration", "iSeek":"I'm looking for...", "find":"Find", "bothGiverAndTaker":"You can be both a Customer and a Service Provider", "mostPopUsers":"The most wanted Service Providers on CHIQCHAQ<\/span>", "homeUsersDescr":"Top rated Service Providers on the platform", "viewProfile":"View profile", "lastPubTasks":"Last published tasks on CHIQCHAQ<\/span>", "useCCQ":"Add your task or find any task for you on CHIQCHAQ<\/span>", "support":"Support", "doRegister":"Sign up", "newOnes":"New", "faqs":"FAQ", "share":"Share", "descrReason":"Describe the reason", "chooseOption":"Select", "cancelled":"Cancelled", "regUsingSocial":"Sign up via social network", "orPressRegBtn":"Or click Sign Up to do it via e-mail", "iAgree":"I agree with terms and conditions<\/a>", "entEmToRestPasw":"Enter your registered e-mail or phone number and press \"Forgot password\". We will send you instructions for password recovery.", "confirmAgree":"Confirm", "iSeekTask":"I'm looking for a task", "actKind":"Individual or Business", "attachPhoto":"Attach your photo", "profileDetails":"Profile details", "yourSocialLinks":"Links to your social networks profiles", "attachIdCopy":"Add copy of your ID", "toBeApproved":"To become verified user", "prevStep":"Previous step", "nextStep":"Next step", "chooseYourSpecCat":"Choose categories you can help with ", "writeFewAbout":"Tell us more about yourself", "checkMail4verify":"Please check and verify your e-mail", "chooseCityOrAddr":"Choose your city or enter address", "cats":"Categories", "noTasksHere":"Sorry, there is no task in this category yet! Be the first one to post a task here!", "myProfile":"My profile", "img":"Picture", "postedBy":"Posted by", "taskDescr":"Details", "all-il":"All Israel", "all-ua":"All Ukraine", "attachIdCopy-il":"Add copy of your ID", "attachIdCopy-ua":"Add copy of your passport ", "messages2":"Messages", "writeMsg":"Write your message", "fillProfLater":"Fill in later", "registrationMessageBody":"Congratulations, ${name}!
you have been successfully registered on ${siteName}.

Your account login information:

$dict.login<\/strong>: $email
$dict.password<\/strong>: $password

Please click on the link below for e-mail confirmation:

If the above links don't work you can copy and paste the following link into your browser's address bar", "placeAndCatSel":"Choose location and category", "taskAdd_1_1":"1.1 Choose task location", "taskAdd_1_2":"1.2 Choose category", "taskAdd_2_1":"2.1 Task details", "taskAdd_2_2":"2.2 Task terms", "taskAdd_2_3":"2.3 Payment", "enterPlaceOrChooseMap":"Write the task location or pick it on the map", "exampleFixValve":"Example: Tap repair", "descrTask":"Describe your task", "anyDate":"Term unlimited", "chooseTaskTime":"Select convenient time ", "atAnyTime":"Any time", "from8till12":"from 8:00 till 12:00", "from12till16":"from 12:00 till 16:00", "from16till22":"from 16:00 till 22:00", "approxCost":"Approximate price", "thisCostIsApprox":"This price is approximate and can be negotiated", "publishTask":"Post task", "chooseDate":"Select date", "chooseOrEnterCity":"Choose or enter city", "taskLang":"Task language", "fbChatLogin":"Hi! We are here to Help!", "fbChatLogout":"Hi! We are here to Help!", "andUseFree":"and use it for free!", "photoBeforeWork":"Picture BEFORE <\/ strong> ", "photoAfterWork":"Picture AFTER <\/ strong>", "leaveOffReview":"Leave offline review ", "offRevForm":"Offline review form", "offRevDescr":"Detailed task description ", "offRevTime":"Task date", "longTermTask":"Long term task", "taskStart":"Task starts", "taskEnd":"Task finished", "viewedBy":"Viewed by", "level-0":"Basic", "level-1":"Intermediate ", "level-2":"Advanced ", "pushNotify":"Push-notifications ", "subscribe":"Turn on", "unsubscribe":"Turn off", "offRevTitle":"Task description ", "unsubscrInProfile":"You can turn off notifications in your profile", "level-0-descr":"User provided basic contact information: e-mail, phone number", "level-1-descr":"User verified his account by social network profiles:", "level-2-descr":"User provided copy of ID", "livingCity":"City of residence", "promocode":"Promocode", "wrongPromocode":"Invalid promocode", "entrustTask":"Give task", "newPersonalTasksForYou":"New personal tasks for you", "enterOneCorrectPhone":"Enter a valid phone number", "signupSms":"Your account https:\/\/$env:SERVER_NAME\/en\/profile\/. Login: \"${userLogin}\", Password: \"${userPassword}\"", "userPhoneExists":"User with this phone number already exists", "yourEmailOrPhone":"Your e-mail or phone number", "info":"Information", "free":"Free", "tasksPlacing":"Tasks publishing", "chsUnlimCat":"Unlimited choice of categories", "jobGal":"Works gallery", "month":"Month", "allInCat":"The whole category", "directTaskGiving":"Getting tasks directly from Customer", "taskGivingRecommend":"Profile recommendations when adding the task", "leavingOfflineReview":"Add offline feedback", "specialCatAdsPrice":"Special price for advertising space in this sub-category", "accType":"Account type", "choose":"Select", "comingSoon":"Coming soon", "unlimitedTakenTasks":"Unlimited number of simultaneous tasks", "extendedGallery":"Extended photo gallery", "detailedContacts":"Detailed contacts with location and open hours", "tasksTaking":"Tasks performance ", "signupPaswSentEmail":"Your login and password were sent to your e-mail.", "signupPaswSentSms":"SMS with login and password was sent to your phone number.", "loginUsingCreds":"After clicking on the \"Continue\" button, log in using this data.", "chsAll":"Select all", "allCountry":"All country", "proLabelTip":"Pro account gives you more tools, benefits and advantages.", "cancelledTasks":"Cancelled", "finishedTasks":"Ended", "approvedTasks":"Approved", "completeTasks":"Completed", "notCompleteTasks":"Not completed", "onlyAuthCanSeeMsg":"Only registered users can chat", "iAgree2":"Souhlasím s
předáním a zpracováním osobních údajů<\/a> v předávaných dokumentech obsažených", "giveTask":"Direct contact", "upgradeProfile":"Upgrade to Pro", "1month":"1 month", "3months":"3 months", "6months":"6 months", "12months":"12 months", "video":"Watch video", "alsoCanAuth":"Also you can login using", "all":"All", "asGiver":"As Customer", "asTaker":"As Service Provider", "myAcc":"My account", "filters":"Filters", "active":"Active", "finished":"Completed", "payment":"Payment", "to2":"To", "goodRating":"Only with high rating", "rating":"Rating", "date":"Date", "forToday":"For today", "tlgrmBotGreet":"Welcome! You can signup and start using ChiqChaq via the link: https:\/\/\/en\/profile\/#step=1", "msgSent":"Message has been sent", "chsTaskDate":"Select task date", "taskDateFrom":"date from", "taskDateTo":"date to", "tlgrmBotGreetUser":"Welcome, ${userName}! Now you will receive your notifications from ChiqChaq here. You can unsubscribe in your profile via link https:\/\/\/en\/profile\/", "toCnctTlgrm":"To turn on Telegram notifications:", "prsCnctBtn":"Click on \"Connect\" button", "prsStartInTlgrm":"Click on \"Start\" in Telegram application.", "cnct":"Turn on ", "becamePro":"Become a Pro Service Provider", "noContractorsHere":"Sorry, there is no Service Providers in this category yet!", "contractors":"Service Providers", "allContractors":"All Service Providers", "4browseTasks":"to view tasks", "4browseContractors":"to view service providers", "payForProfile":"Pay for profile", "takeAsPro":"Take task as Pro", "doAndGetServices":"Get and provide services ", "sliderSlogan":"Start using ChiqChaq, we have zero payments and fees for both customers and providers of services!", "registrationMessageBodyLifecell":"Вітаємо, ${name}!

Завдяки Lifecell Campus ти отримуєш 3 місяці доступу до PRO-функцій на нашій платформі!

Одразу після реєстрації і введення промокоду ти отримаєш Pro-акаунт й усі його переваги.

А от 3-місячний термін використання Pro акаунту почне рахуватися лише після того, як ти подаш заявку на участь у виконанні свого першого завдання.

То ж, ніяких проблем, якщо активно почнеш користуватися ChiqChaq трохи згодом - супер-пропозиція від life Campus збереже всю свою цінність :)

А поки що можеш подивитись які на ChiqChaq є категорії або ж ознайомитися зі всіма перевагами PRO-профілю :)

Команда ChiqChaq.

Дані для входу до твого акаунту:

$dict.login<\/strong>: $email
$dict.password<\/strong>: $password

Для підтвердження адреси натисни на це посилання:
$confirmLink<\/a>", "proCatPlacement":"Listing in Pro service provider catalogue", "contractorsTitle1":"Service Providers in the category", "page":"Page", "contractorsDescr1":"Rating, reviews and comments about the ChiqChaq platform Service Providers in the category", "contractorsTitle2":"Professional Service Providers in the category", "contractorsDescr2":"Reviews, comments, and rating of the best Service Providers in the category", "taskPageDescr":"work and part-time jobs in the category", "userProfile":"User's profile", "atCcq":"on the household freelance platform ChiqChaq", "profileDescr":"Rating, reviews, and skills", "atCcq2":"on freelance marketplace ChiqChaq", "ukraine":"Ukraine", "newCandidateSubj":"", "newCandidateBody":"", "write":"Write", "volunteerTask":"Volunteer activities" }